You’re the local expert, let your knowledge shine!
If you have a business that services the Devon area, then we’d love to hear from you!
Our team is able to create a lot of content (it’s what we do), but we’d love it more if we heard from you and find out what your business, charity, holiday home, campsite, charity or service is up to, especially if it’s anywhere near Bideford.
We do not charge for guest posts.
We are specifically interested in the topics below.
If you have better or different ideas, use the contact form below to get in contact.
- Simply, anything tourism related!
- Do you own a rental property or a holiday caravan?
- Do you run a local event?
- Do you work in a local shop and want to share why it’s the best place ever?
- Surfing
- Fishing
- Camping
- Campsites
- Campervans (even campervan conversions!)
- Where to eat
- What to see
- What to do
- Why should someone pop by your barber’s shop/takeaway/restaurant/cafe in Bideford?
We do allow links, but the point here is to be helpful to a tourist/someone visiting the local area, not to stuff an article with backlinks.
We also have our “what to see” and “where to stay” directories (events are being worked on), so if you’re already in the directory, we can easily attach the entry to the post for you.
Contact the Team
If you have one, or even more ideas, let us know what you’re thinking. If you’re new to this, just say, we’re experienced with working with businesses of all sizes (the smaller ones tend to be more fun!)
Use the form below to contact the editorial team. We look forward to hearing from you.