22.5 miles or 36.2 Km is the distance between Ilfracombe and Bideford.
There are many reasons why you would want to go to Ilfracombe, we’ll cover those later in this post for you, but right now let’s focus on your travelling options.
By Car & Taxi
If you’re taking the car, taxi or Uber then typically the journey is around 42 minutes give or take 5 minutes for the time of day and time of year. An approximate cost for a taxi for this journey would be around £45.
Travel North on the A39 “Atlantic highway” to you reach Barnstable, bear left onto the A361 which takes you all the way to Ilfracombe.
By Bus / Public Transport
By bus, it’s much much longer with journey times easily over two hours as you’ll typically need to go via Barnstapble to get to Ilfracombe, the journey is made up of 3 buses as follows:
Bideford Quay
Take the 21 or 315 towards Barnstable. The journey time is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Barnstable towards Morthoe
At Barnstable take the 303 to Mullacott Cross. This is approx 45 minutes on the bus
Mullacott Cross to Ilfracombe
The last step of the journey is to take the 31 towards Ilfracombe, this is a quick journey of around 6 minutes.
Bus Prices
We researched this and while you could buy single tickets if you were just making a one-way trip for around £2.00 (stagecoach), you can buy a return for £5.70 (yes that is more expensive!). However, you can pick up a “North Devon DayRider” ticket for £6.10 that covers the entire area
Bus Time Tables
For this journey, we found these timetables to help you, they cover both directions both Ilfracombe From Bideford and Bideford to Ilfracombe.
Bus 21
Bus 315
Bus 303
Bus 31
Why go to Ilfracombe?
Ilfracombe is a coastal town located in the North Devon district of Devon, England. It’s right up at the top of Devon and looks over the Bristol Channel.
The town’s history dates back to the Iron Age, and it has been a popular tourist destination since the Victorian era. The town is known for its stunning harbour, stunning coastline, and beautiful natural scenery.
One of the most famous attractions in Ilfracombe is the bronze statue called “Verity”.
The statue, created by the renowned British artist Damien Hirst, stands 66 feet (20 meters) tall and depicts a pregnant woman holding a sword in one hand and the scales of justice in the other.
Verity is a controversial work of art that has sparked debate and discussion since it was installed in 2012. Some people find the statue striking and powerful, while others find it disturbing and unsettling.
The statue’s name, Verity, means “truth” and is meant to represent the conflict between good and evil, life and death, and justice and injustice.
Visitors can discover the town’s history by visiting landmarks such as St. Nicholas Chapel, the oldest building in Ilfracombe, and Chambercombe Manor, a haunted medieval manor house! (one for the kids).
In addition to its attractions, Ilfracombe offers a variety of restaurants, cafes, and bars, serving up yummy local food and drinks. Visitors can also explore the town’s vibrant nightlife, which includes live music, comedy, and theatre performances.
Our favourite walk is past the church and out into the harbour, there are 3 ice cream shops within hopping distance of each other, they’re normally even open in the winter too.
Ilfracombe From Bideford
No matter what your reasons for going to Ilfracombe, work, play or adventure, it’s about 40 minutes in the car or taxi and considerably longer by bus, but it is perfectly doable and a great opportunity to soak in the Devon countryside along the trip.
We always make the journey along the west coast up through the beaches of Saunton Sands, Woolacombe and then on to Ilfracombe.
Enjoy your travels!
We also made a travel guide from Bideford to Clovelly for your next adventure.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some common questions about how Far is Ilfracombe From Bideford and travelling between these two locations.
Q: Best way to travel from Bideford to Ilfracombe?
A: The easiest way to travel from Bideford to Ilfracombe is by bus.
Q: How long does it take to travel from Bideford to Ilfracombe by bus?
A: The journey by bus takes approximately 25 minutes.
Q: Any scenic routes to take from Bideford to Ilfracombe?
A: Yes, taking the coastal road offers stunning views of the North Devon coastline.
Q: Any stops along the way from Bideford to Ilfracombe that are worth exploring?
A: Yes, the village of Combe Martin and the seaside resort of Woolacombe are popular stops along the way.
Q: What is the cost of travelling from Bideford to Ilfracombe, and are there any discounts available for tourists?
A: The cost of a one-way bus ticket is around £3.50, and there may be discounts available for students, seniors, and children.
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About the Author
Welcome to Bideford.com! I’m Jason Jr, a seasoned explorer and avid fan of Bideford and the broader North Devon area. With over a decade of consistent family visits, virtually every weekend, I’ve immersed myself in the rich history and vibrant culture Bideford & North Devon.
On this site, you’ll find a wealth of knowledge amassed from my adventures here. From in-depth local guides to engaging blog posts about Bideford. Whether you’re looking for recommendations on things to do or guidance on where to stay we have you covered. Join me as we delve into the heart of Bideford, North Devon – a town that’s more than just a destination, but an experience waiting to be discovered.
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